Friday, December 13, 2024

Purrs and Prayers for Tylan

Purrs and prayers graphic made by Ann of Zoolatry. (Thank you, Ann!)

For the past week or so, Tylan hasn't been feeling well. He was already scheduled for acupuncture and his semi-annual blood work on Tuesday, so I discussed Tylan's eating less and feeling crummy with his vet while we were there, and we agreed it would be a good idea to add an fPLI test (the test for pancreatitis) to his blood work. 

While we were at the vet, we got to see how the remodeling project is going so far. They are really moving along. In only two weeks, they've already redone all the exam rooms - new flooring, new exam tables, and new cabinetry. Here's Tylan admiring the new "cat room." He refused to look at the camera.

Tylan at vet
Tylan seemed to approve of the newly renovated "cat room" at the vet's office. 

On Wednesday, I received the results of Tylan's blood work. 

He does, in fact, have pancreatitis. Again. This is round number 3 or 4 for him. I am not surprised, but I am worried and sad that he's suffering with this yet again. 

Tylan had been in late stage two kidney disease since diagnosis about three years ago. He is now sitting at mid-stage three. That, of course, is no good. Again, I am not completely surprised. Kidney disease usually progresses over time, but I'm sad that his kidneys are doing worse. 

Tylan was worn out after his trip to the vet on Tuesday

The game plan is to give Tylan buprenorphine for a week and go from there. He is already on everything else they use to treat pancreatitis - prednisolone and pretty hefty doses of zofran and cerenia daily. We are also going to start him on subcutaneous fluids to try and take some of the pressure off his kidneys.

Tylan could certainly use some purrs and prayers right now. 


  1. Sending a chorus of purrs for Tylan, and for you, Sierra.

  2. Poor boy. Sending good thoughts for both of you.

  3. Mega purrs and prayers from all of us here. We love you Tylan.

  4. Sierra I am so sorry to read your handsome Tylan is dealing with pancreatitis and kidney disease. I am sending lots of purrs to you both
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Lots of POTP and prayers for Tylan to be able to conquer this attack of pancreatitis. Poor little guy. We hope he is feeling better soon.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  6. I'm sending my prayers and my angels are sending their purrs, to you both. πŸ™

    Kim and her angels

  7. purrrrzzzz tylan, we hope yoo feel better soon

  8. We send Tylan purrayers and POTP and hope he feels better soon !

  9. Poor guy. I will add him to my prayer list. XO

  10. Lots of prayers for your sweet boy, I hope he's feeling better very soon.

  11. Big soft aroos, pawyers and tail wags for you Tylan! We hope you'll feel a lot better, soon.

  12. Poor Tylan. Sending Healing Pawkisses and Purrayers to feel better soonπŸ™πŸΎπŸ˜½πŸ’ž

  13. Mee will add Tylan to mee purrayerss Miss Sierra. Pleese give Tylan ***kissess*** from us....
    BellaDharma an BellaSita Mum
