Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Thankful Thursday


 Hi everyone, it's the Mom here with an update about Carmine.

Carmine received his first Solensia injection on November 1. For the first several days, there was no improvement in Carmine. 

At about a week after his injection, he began to bathe just a tiny bit. Before his injection, he had completely stopped bathing himself. I initially saw him bathe his face and a back foot (he brought his foot up to his mouth to bathe it). Yesterday, for the first time in months, I saw him bathe his side - something he has to twist to do. He didn't bathe it for long, but he gave his side a decent bath. 

It seems like every couple of days I see Carmine doing something new that he hasn't done in months because he was in too much pain.

The other night, he got up on the bathroom sink. He has started bugging me for pets and a lap throughout the day again (this is my favorite improvement!). He never stays on my lap long, but that has always been his nature. He has begun to bug me while I sleep for pets again, too.

He is making baby steps, but he is improving. He still has a ways to go before he is 100%, but I am thankful the injection does seem to be helping a little.

I've heard that the real improvement and relief for cats comes after the second injection. Carmine will have his second Solensia injection on November 29th. I am hopeful that he will continue to improve and feel more comfortable as time goes on. 

What are you thankful for today? Please share with us in the comments!

Thankful Thursday


  1. That is very good news that the injection is bringing improvement for Carmine.

  2. Great news for you and Carmine. That makes November 29th the date that you wish would get here very quickly.

  3. Sounds like the medication is working for him. Hope the next injection is even better.

  4. We are thankful that Carmine is improving!

  5. What a wonderful thankful. Great news.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

  6. That is good news, baby steps are steps forward and how wonderful for you that he is snuggling!

  7. Purrayers that the meds continue to help sweet Carmine !

  8. That is wonderful news. I told my niece she should ask for the shot for her arthritic kitty. XO

  9. As they say here in these parts, I am busting to read how he is after the second shot!~~

  10. Glad to hear the good news that Carmine is feeling better! I'm betting there will be steady improvement for him!

  11. Baby steps are just fine and cleaning up is a really good thing! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  12. That’s good news about the Solensia starting to work. I hope the second shot brings even more improvement.

  13. OH, boy, are we happy about Carmine. I had that injection twice and I wish it had helped me as it did Carmine, so maybe we'll go back to try another now that I take Zobaline, which helps, and Cosequin.
