Thursday, June 4, 2020

Thankful Thursday with Carmine

Carmine at the vet.
Carmine at the vet.

Hi everyone, it's mes, Carmine!

A few weeks ago, mes wented to the vet guy and had a little nap. When mes woke up, mes noticed mes had a couple more teefers missing. 

When the vet tech lady brought mes back to the Mom, hers was telling the Mom that mes doesn't have many teefers left. But the Mom said mes still has more teefers than Tylan does. MOL!

Here is my dental chart. See all the teefers that are shaded in? Those be the ones that mes no longer has.

Dental chart.
Carmine's dental chart, May, 2020.

My dental went well. Mes healed up nicely. 

Two weeks later, mes wented back to see the vet guy for my sugar (glucose) test. As many of yous knows, mes be a sugar kitty since the beginning of this year. 

Mes has been going for sugar tests every month. Mes was on insulin, but in March, mes wented into "remission," so mes didn't need it anymores. Since March, mes has stayed in remission! So, do yous know what the vet guy said?!

Hims said that mes doesn't has to come back for another sugar test for three whole months!! The Mom said hers was about to do a happy dance in the vet guy's office. MOL. 

Today, mes ams thankful that mes is feeling better and doesn't need that insulin stuffs anymores. Mes ams also thankful that even though mes has losted more teefers that my mouth feels better and that mes still has more teefers than Tylan!!

Sleepy Carmine
Carmine was a very sleepy mancat when we got home after his dental surgery.

Brian's Thankful Thursday

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  1. Glad you are feeling and going better. Major bummer with not having all the teeth. That would be terrible.

  2. Carmine, we're glad you're feeling better...and we bet you won't even miss those teefs.

  3. Sweet, brave Carmine, I'm glad there was some good news and sorry you had to lose your last teeth buddy.

  4. Good news Carmine...that you remain in remission, and that you feel better without those icky teeth.

  5. That is all wonderful news. I have been waiting to hear if you had your dental. The Tooth Fairy will get your package out soon. XO

  6. Great news about your sugar levels. No more vet for a bit! Purrs from patch and flower.

  7. We are all so happy you are doing so well sweet Carmine, we'll all do the happy dance for you. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. Oh Carmine, that is so great to hear! We're Thankful for your great message. I have a brother who lives with my mother, he lost about all his toofies when he was about two years old, but he's mighty fine. He's 6 now😸Pawkisses for a Happy Thursday🐾😽💞

  9. Good news, Carmine, we're so glad you're doing better ! Purrs

  10. Happy Thankful Thursday, Carmine. We hope you are feeling well after your dental work. That is some great news about not having to go back for three whole months. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals

  11. You are so fortunate to feel so much better and to not need that insulin any more either. Sending purrs to you and Tylan. And hugs to your Mom who takes such good care of you and Tylan.

  12. That is such good news about not needing insulin, Carmine!

  13. Oh Carmine, we are so glad for your good news ! One of our kitties had all but one tooth removed, and then that one fell out.

  14. I am glad your dental went well and that you don't need insulin. Good news that you don't have to go back to the vet for 3 months too.

  15. What wonderful thankful things. Being a healthy kitty is a good thing and there is always soft things to eat to get around the loss of teeth.

    Keep up the great work.

    Have a purrfect Thankful Thursday. My best to your mom. ♥

  16. That's such wonderful news from the vet!

  17. Yay for dentals being over and continuing in remission! I'd give you endless hugs if I could, Carmine!

  18. That's great news, Carmine. We are glad you are in remission! As for the teefs, Gracie doesn't have any teefs. She's 20 years old now, and does fine without them, thank Cod!
