Thursday, July 18, 2019

Thankful Thursday

Hi everyone!

We are way behind on our Thankful Thursdays! Those who follow us on Facebook have probably already seen this good news, but we wanted to share it with everyone!

Back in January, I entered the Cat Writers' Association annual communications contest. I was only able to dip my toe in the water, but I was really excited to submit my one entry.

I received a Certificate of Excellence for the article I submitted! I was really thrilled about that!

Then, CWA had their annual awards banquet at their conference. I wasn't able to attend the conference this year (but I hope to someday!). After the awards banquet, the organization sent out an email with all the winners of the Muse Medallions and Special Awards.

So I scrolled down to my category to see who won. I did NOT expect to find what I did. My name was highlighted in purple to indicate I was the winner of the Muse Medallion in my category!!!! 

I dedicated my Muse Medallion to Angel Lita.

I seriously had to look at it five times. Even then, I still doubted it. Then, my friend Melissa from Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries, and Meows messaged me on Facebook telling me I won a Muse Medallion. It was only then that it started to sink in!

I was honored to have been recognized in my category among such wonderful and talented authors. To have won the Muse Medallion was just beyond words.

I dedicated my Muse Medallion to my sweet Angel Lita. She taught me a lot! It was in large part because of her that I was able to write the winning article. More than anything, I hope that my article will help other visually impaired people with their kitties. If I help even one person, I'll be so thankful!

The winning article was, "Caring for a Cat When You're Visually Impaired."

I have some more good news, too! I was finally able to join the Cat Writers' Association as a Professional Member! I have been wanting to join for years, but I never had the "extra" money to apply. Fortunately, earlier this year, a little extra work came my way, so I took advantage of the opportunity and applied to be in the organization.

CWA Professional Member blog badge.

I am so thankful and honored to be in an organization of such wonderfully talented authors, and I'm even more thankful that I can call many of them my friends.

We are also thankful for all of YOU - thank you for taking this journey with us. We appreciate you all so much!

What are you thankful for today? Please tell us in the comments.

We are joining Brian's Thankful Thursday blog hop today!

Brian's Thankful Thursday blog hop.


  1. Congrats!!! We're really not surprised though, you are seriously a most talented writer and a terrific kitty Mum! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. Whoa, good for you! The love we all have for our kitties will make us go where we never thought we'd visit!

  3. Congratulations! How wonderful! Now give us a link to that winning article, it sounds like a good read with good info!

  4. Congratulations!!!! We are very happy for you. Sometimes you are just in shock when you see something like that at first. The Muse Medallion is beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful Thankful Thursday. Enjoy the big win.
    World of Animals

  5. Congratulations on your Muse, and welcome to CWA! My human is a member, although I'm not (and should be!).

  6. Concatulations ! Your Muse medallion is well deserved, and concatulation for being now a professional member. Purrs

  7. Congratulations on your well deserved award and on becoming a member of CWA. XO

  8. We couldn't have been more excited when we saw your name! So deserved.

  9. Congratulations on your Muse Award. Well deserved.

  10. Concatulations ! What great news !

  11. **APAWSSS** **APAWSSS**
    Well dun Miss Sierra! Yore fay-muss!! An furry dee-servin!
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma an {{huggiesss}} LadyMeow

  12. It was a wonderful article Sierra and you truly deserved the honor. Having a bit of vision issues myself, it really hit home with me. We're also thrilled and honored to have you on board with the CWA. Love and Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey gang.

  13. That's so cool, Sierra! Congratulations!

  14. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu Ihrer wohlverdienten Auszeichnung und zur Mitgliedschaft bei CWA. XO
    Sprüche zur Einschulung
