Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Thankful Thursday: Happy Gotcha Day, Carmine!

Carmine's Gotcha Day

Hi everyone!

Do you know what today is? It's a very special day.

It's Carmine's 14th Gotcha Day!!

So our thankful for today is Carmine!

Carmine is a very special mancat. You can read his adoption story here, if you don't know it. 

Little did I know just how much that little ball of orange fluff would change me and my life. 

Carmine is an incredible emotional support cat and nurse cat to those he loves. He provided both Jewel and Lita with comfort when they were ill. Once, when I was sick and stuck in bed for a week, Carmine only left my side to eat and use his litter. 

Even though he is a senior now, Carmine still has bursts of kitten energy. It's so entertaining to watch him fly around the apartment, to the top of the kitchen cabinets, meowing all the way! 

Carmine is sweet, compassionate, intuitive, wise, loving, and loyal. We are incredibly blessed to have him as part of our family! 

Carmine's Gotcha Day card.

Our friends Pipo, Dalton, Benji, and their pecretary made Carmine this lovely card for his Gotcha Day! Thank you, dear friends! You are so sweet to think of Carmine on his special day! 

Happy 14th Gotcha Day, Carmine - and many more!

We love you!
Tylan, Angel Lita, Angel Jewel, and the Mom


  1. Carmine, you are a handsome mancat... and we and your mom will celebrate your gotcha day together. 💗 We fur babies are a joy in the lives of our families. You are every day in your family. XXX

  2. Happy Gotcha Day, Carmine! We hope you get lots of treats to celebrate!

  3. Happy Gotcha Day!!

    The Florida Furkids

  4. Happy Gotchaversary, Carmine! You are the same age as our Angel, who's 15th gotchaversary is in August.

  5. Happy Gotcha Day Carmine! Enjoy the day you handsome mancat.

  6. Happy Gotcha Day sweet Carmine! XO

  7. Happy Gotcha Day, Carmine!

    Hope you'll have a kitenish day and lots more as well!!

  8. Meow meow Happy 14th Gotcha Day deerest Carmine!!! You are a 'purr-amedic' like 'angel' Unkell Siddhartha was...
    Yore simple wunderfull. Wee hope yore day iss as wunderfull as YOU are!
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma an {{huggiesss}} LadyMew

  9. Happy Gotcha Day, Carmine ! We hope you have a wonderful celebration ! Purrs

  10. Happy Happy 14th Gotcha Day! That's extra special for sure!

  11. You are such a special dude Carmine and we all love you. Happy Gotcha Day my friend!!!

  12. Hppy Gotcher day Carmine and have the best of days * paw hugs *

  13. Extra 14 Pawkisses for a Happy Gotcha Day, dear Carmine🐾😽💞

  14. Happy Gotcha Day, Carmine! We sure are glad you gotcha'd such a wonderful home!

  15. Happy Gotcha Day Carmine! We hope you have many more years with your mom. Next time you are celebrating good news, please send us the graphic and we'll post on the CB
