Thursday, October 5, 2017

Thankful Thursday

Yesterday, Lita saw a new vet. I cannot even begin to tell you how thankful I am that we went to see her. She spent two and a half hours getting to know all about Lita, answering my questions, and addressing my concerns. I have never had a veterinarian read through Lita's entire medical history let alone ask all about the important events in her life the way this vet did. She even got down on the floor with me and Lita to weigh and examine her!

Lita has found vet visits incredibly stressful ever since her traumatic experience two years ago. So imagine my surprise when Lita hopped up on the bench next to me, curled up, purred, and had a nap!! Even before her traumatic experience, I have never seen her that calm at the vet. I think this has a lot to do with how calm this vet was as well as how she was approached and treated.

The vet gave me a lot of hope for treating Lita's pain and asthma. The vet thinks her leg pain may not be related to her injury but rather to arthritis, but I will go into that more next week. What she said makes a ton of sense, and we have a plan to start working on getting Lita to feeling more like her old self.

I'll go more into the plan next week, but for now, suffice it to say that there are some major changes coming around here! I am excited to see where these changes will lead for both Lita and Carmine's health overall.

I cannot say enough about how awesome I think this vet will be for Lita (and Carmine). I can tell that she cares so much about her kitty clients and helping their humans do the very best they can for their companions. This means the world to me. I love how much knowledge she shared with me. I love learning about how my kitties function and how I can be the best cat mom to them possible.

I have not felt this much hope in a long, long time, and it feels good.   


  1. This vet sounds amazing. Wish we could clone her. :) And we're so glad to hear Lita will be getting the much help she needs to feel better.

  2. Oh that is so wonderful and a Vet like that is such a blessing. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. Wow, this is great! Here's hoping that better treatment and knowledge will put everyone is a happier place.

  4. We are so happy for all of you! It sounds like you found a wonderful veterinarian who has plenty of compassion, knowledge, and skill. We are still sending lots of purrs and prayers your way, and can't wait to hear more about the treatment plan.

  5. This is so awesome to hear! I will tell you a little secret: a lot of vets are scared of cats they don't know, and this is one of the reasons why we kitties don't behave well with them. My human knows this only because her fiance used to work at a vet clinic, and you would be surprised how many vets and employees are not really cat people - and the cats know it! We are very sensitive to human emotions, and also the overall feel of a clinic. So we know. Lita clearly knew she was in a safe place, with someone who sincerely wanted to help her.

  6. This is really wonderful news. I am so glad you have found a vet who really cares about her patients and their owners.

  7. What a wonderful thing to read. I am so extra happy for you and for her. My girls are all traumatized because the techs don't handle them correctly and hurt them when they do that cursed scruffing! Great that Lita got a well deserved and long time coming break!

  8. She sounds amazing! I'm so happy you sought a second opinion with hopefully some positive outcomes for your babies.

  9. That sounds like an amazing vet. I am glad Lita was not stressed and I hope she feels better soon.

  10. That is awesome, and definitely something for which to be thankful. Yay for Lita (and Carmine and you, too)!

  11. Such good news - and how relieved you must feel ! Purrs.

  12. I'm so happy you finally found a GREAT Vet for Milita! I hope she can help your sounds like she is on the ball.
    Can you imagine? Milita napping at the Vet's!! WOW!!!
    (((hugs))) Sherri-Ellen

  13. That's wonderful ! We're so glad you finally found a great and nice vet ! Purrs

  14. You seem to have gone to the best vet you could have, Lita! She sounds lo caring and loving and attentive to your needs and finding out what your issues are.
