Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Carmine's 10th Birthday Giveaway!

The Mom is sick so this post isn't as fancy as we'd like, but mes is glad hers helped mes with my special post!

Do you know what today is?  Today we wish Carmine a Happy 10th Birthday!!!!! And we hope he has at least 10 more to celebrate! :)

Carmine wanted to have a little giveaway to show you all how much we love and appreciate all of our wonderful friends celebrating with us.

Photo courtesy of Amazon

As you can tell, in this book Amy Shojai shares valuable information on how to care for your aging cat.  The book is divided into two section.  In the first section, Shojai discusses how cats age.  Topics in this section include how a cat's body ages, her nutritional and exercise needs as she ages, and end-of-life decisions.  

In the second section, Shojai looks at specific diseases common in aging cats in detail.  Some of the illnesses highlighted in the book include arthritis, cancer, blindness, heart disease, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, kidney failure, and senility.  I really like that Shojai discusses alternative therapies as well as conventional treatment options for treating diseases.

In my opinion, this is a fantastic resource for aging cats, and I plan to refer to it often over the years as Carmine and Milita age.  

You can enter to win your very own autographed copy of the book with the Rafflecopter at the end of the post or you can purchase the book here (I do not receive any sort of commission if you use this link). 

We encourage you to stop by and visit Amy Shojai's blog, Amy Shojai's Bling: Bitches and Blood  sometime.  Thank you, Amy, for giving us the opportunity to review and giveaway your book!  

Okay, okay,'s my turn now!  

One of my favoritest treats are the ProPlan Chicken Savory Bites, and mes wanted to give all of our friends a chance to win some of their own.  Mes will be including a bag of these tasty treats in the giveaway!  

Please let mes know if yous cannot eat chicken treats, and mes will send the servant Mom to go and get a different flavor (tuna or salmon). 

Thank yous all for coming to celebrate my 10th birthday!  It is hard to believe mes has been with the Mom for nearly 10 years.  Mes is very thankful to have a loving human and a sisfur to bug! 

To enter the giveaway, you must be 18 years of age or older and reside in the United States.  Our International friends are more than welcome to enter and gift their prize to a U.S. resident should they win.  I will choose and send a notification e-mail to the winner on February 26, 2015.  The winner must respond to our e-mail with a physical address where we can ship the prize within 48 hours.  If no response is received within 48 hours, we will select a new winner.

Good luck!

!Disclosure: I received two copies of the book, "Complete Care for Your Aging Cat," free of charge for this review and giveaway.  Receiving the books did not change my opinion in any way.  All opinions are 100% my own. 


  1. Happy Birthday Carmine we hope you have a great day.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. Happy Birthday Carmine!!!!! I hope Mom feels better soon. What a perfect giveaway :)

  3. Happy 10th Birthday Carmine! Hoping your Mom feels better real soon.

  4. Happy Birthday Carmine!!! Wishing you the best one ever and many, many more :) (PS: We have that book and it has proven to be absolutely invaluable during my previous cat's later years!)

  5. Have the Best Birthday ever!

    Rose the Kitten

  6. Happy B-day and thanks for reviewing the book! Hope it helps some fur-kids.

  7. HAPPY Birthday Carmine!!! (and we hope your mom is feeling better soon)

  8. Happy Birthday Carmine! We hope you have a pawsome day.

    The Florida Furkids

  9. Many happy returns Carmine. And hope the servant person feels great soon.

  10. A very happy birthday, Carmine! We hope you have a fabulous celebration!

  11. Carmine! Happy #10!! And purrs to your mom that she feels better soon!

  12. Happy ten years!! Hope you get lots of treats and lovin!

  13. We hope you're feeling better soon and hope Carmine enjoys his special day.

  14. Happy Birthday, Carmine. We hope you have a great celebration and your mom feels better quickly.

  15. A very Happy B-Day to you Carmine! You don't look a day over four! Did you say Chicken?? Our fav!

  16. Hello Carmine, and Happy Birthday! You are a handsome mancat! I noticed a post at Conscious Cat, and followed it here. How cool is that? Nice to meet you!

  17. Happy Birthday Carmine and healing purrz for the staff. What a wonderful giveaway. I’m around the same age as you but I’m a VERY active 10 yrs. I hate to be picky but if’n I’m lucky enough to win, I’d like fish flavored treats. Thank you.

  18. Happy birthday!!! May you have many more birthdays to celebrate. We thank your mom for the awesome giveaway!

  19. Happy Birthday beautiful Carmine! We hope your Mommy is feeling better soon.

  20. Happy birthday, Carmine! We are choosy about our treats here - but my human says we could really use Amy's book, as Binga and Boodie are older than dirt!*

    Okay, it was me who said the older than dirt part. I need to hide from Binga now.

  21. Happy birthday, Carmine! We, too, hope you have many, many, many more happy days and years there with Mommy!

  22. WooHoo Happy Meowday Carmine.10 is a pawsum age. Weez sorry yous mommy be sick, and weez'll be purrayin', but eeez sure hope yous get lots of those nommy tweats today. And dat book sounds like sumfin' weez kuld weally use specially since Lexi be gettin' old and havin' purrawlems. As fur yous "special" posty, we fink it's just purrfect cuz yous handsum face be init.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  23. Happy Birthday Carmine! We hope you have a special day. Purrs to Mom from all of us.

  24. Happy Birthday Carmine!!!!

    Hope your Mom gets to feeling better and that you share many more Happy Birthdays together.

    Our favorite treat is whatever her stinginess aka Mommy gives us.

  25. DOOD !!! happee day wishes, mice creem dishes & de best oh fishes two ewe ♫♪♫♪♫♫...a veree happee 10, heerz ta ten mor. hope yur dayz rockin awesum way lots oh treetz if yur mom letz ya, ENJOY & heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz & health ♥♥♥

  26. Happy happy birthday handsome Carmine! Best fishes for many more healthy years.

  27. We have three seniors - this book would be so good to have,

  28. Oh Carmine happy birthday! My human daughter is 10 years old too. Hope you have an awesome day filled with lots of those tasty noms you've got there.

  29. We wish you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY and MANY HAPPY RETURNS, Carmine!

    The Chans

  30. Happy birthday, Carmine! We wish you joy and many, many more years together with your special mom! - Love Alana and Crepes.

  31. Happy Birthday Carmine! I hope your mum soon feels better.

  32. Happy tenth birthday, Carmine! I am almost catching you up!! May you have many more happy years with your mom and fursibs! xx

  33. Happy Birthday Carmine ! We wish you a wonderful day filled with treats and cuddles ! Purrs

  34. We hope you're having the happiest birthday, Carmine!

  35. My favorite treats! I like the heartworm ones and try to steal Pipo's.MOL!

    Happy Birthday Carmine!

    Thanks for telling us abt this great book!


  36. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARMINE!!!! I hope you have AT LEAST ten more birthdays my friend - hopefully lots more than that. How nice of you to have a giveaway on YOUR special day. I've never tried a chicken treat because Mom has always bought tuna stuff for me but I'm willing to give it a whirl! Also we think that book would be very useful since I too am in that "aging cat" category at 15!!!! Enjoy your special day!

    Hugs, Sammy

  37. Happy Happy Birthday Carmine!!! My fave treats are anything we have in the house :) Love, Cody

  38. Woohoo! Happy Birthday, Carmine! We hope it's the best yet. Here's to a zillion more!

  39. Happy belated birthday - wishing you a year ahead filled with treats, cuddles and lots of love! xx

  40. Happy birthday--double digits equals double the love.

  41. Happy belated Birthday, Carmine!

    Ps: We are having a special discount code on our blog Friday for a very special keepsake, I know you told us that your lovely Jewel was cremated, so this may interest you. I have one for Nico and I am soon getting one for Renato. Please stop by tomorrow.

  42. Happy 10th birthday. We hope you have many more.

  43. Happy birthday! Hope the human feels better. Hope to win that giveaway!

  44. Happy Happy belated 10th BIRTHDAY !!
    Hope you had a pawsome birthday :)


  45. Happy birthday Carmine! I hope you have many more!

  46. Happy Birthday Carmine! Sorry I'm a little late. I hope your Mommy feels better soon. It really stinks to be sick. Cinco and Manna's favorite treats are Temptations :)

  47. Happy Birthday! Favorite treats are party mix by friskies. Hope mom feels better soon, thank you for giveaway.

  48. Favorite treats are Temptations, the ones with the crunchy outside and soft middle. Happy Birthday!!

  49. Hey Carmine we are a bit late but here we are to help you enjoy your Birthday! Purrs you great Marmalade Man Cat you!

  50. Thanks fur the great contest also Carmine! I made it just in time and this book will be good to help my brofur Buddy. We all furget he is 14. Purrs
