Monday, May 5, 2014

Mancat Monday: Carmine Update

Carmine: Me is just hanging out, waiting for story time.  We is reading Insurgent right nows.  It is a very good book; me listens every night with Jewel, and sometimes even Milita joins us.

Me had to go to the v-e-t on Friday -- again. The v-e-t and the Mom talked about a lot of stuff that made no sense to mes, so me will let hers tell you about it.  All me knows is me is sick of being poked so often!

The Mom here:  Sorry, Carmine!  You know I only take you to the doctor because I love you so much - although I'm sure it doesn't feel that way to you.  You have to get your B12 injections so you can stay my healthy baby boy for a long, long, long time.

As Carmine said, we went to the vet on Friday for another check up and B12 injection.  Carmine is maintaining his weight at 9 pounds 6.5 ounces.  I was surprised he hadn't gained any with all that he's been eating with his appetite stimulant, but I'm happy he is maintaining at the least.

Now that he is stable, the vet wants to take him off the Prozyme to see if he starts losing weight.  If he starts losing weight again, we'll know for sure that he has Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency and that he'll have to take the Prozyme for the rest of his life to stay healthy.

Have a great Monday!


  1. We are happy to hear you haven't lost any more weight Carmine and we sympathise with you about having to see the vet so often. We hope you will manage to keep your weight up .
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. I am glad you have maintained your weight Carmine and hope you continue to do so when you are off the Prozyme.

  3. Story time sounds great! Maybe we should get our #1 to read to us!

    We're glad to hear you're maintaing your weight! Now you stay healthy, you hear?!

    The Chans

  4. It sounds like Carmine is doing pretty well, "stable" is good! Continued purrs and purrayers to him.

  5. We're glad you're doing okay, Carmine. Keep eating, buddy!

  6. Sounds like you're feeling better Carmine! Paws crossed that it continues for a long, long time sweetie!

  7. That sounds like good news!! Well, all except for the bit of getting poked so much! Keep it up Carmine!!

  8. Sounds like you are doing darn good Carmine!

  9. Wow! That's really good news about your weight. We are purring for good news about the medication.

  10. We are glad you have a plan. We sure hope he remains healthy and stable.

  11. Well, that actually sounds like it was a pretty good v-e-t visit. We are glad there is a plan in place. Keep on keeping that weight on, okay, Carmine? Hugs!

  12. Sending lots of purrs for you to stay stable, Carmine!

  13. dood...we dunno what de vet ever sayz either but we due noe we iz glad ya iz holdin yur own...bee happee & bee healthee :)

  14. Looks like you are hanging in there, Carmine. ppuurrrrrsss

  15. Glad to hear a good update on you, Carmine. You look good! (as always)

    Take care and we'll keep purring.
    Sorry we're so long getting around to everyone. Our Mommy is in trubble. MOL!


  16. We're glad to hear that you're maintaining your weight, Carmine. We hope this leads to a diagnosis and plan to keep you feeling good!

  17. Your mom takes such good care of all of you. We hope she is doing okay.

  18. Our mommy has read Insurgent - she liked it! So glad to hear that Carmine is maintaining his weight. We'll continue sending him hugs and purrs though!
