Thursday, January 2, 2025

An Update on Tylan: Continued Purrs and Prayers Needed



Unfortunately since our last update about Tylan, things have gotten worse.

Tylan was doing relatively okay with the meds he was taking for his pancreatitis flare, but late last week, he started going downhill. 

I noticed he was getting into his litter box, digging around, and meowing mournfully. So, I began to watch him. It's very dangerous if a male cat cannot urinate, so I wanted to make sure he was able to pee. He was urinating fine. But he was constipated. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Happy Holidays!



We hope you all have a happy and blessed Holiday Season!


With love,

Giovanni, Tylan, and Mom Sierra 

Friday, December 13, 2024

Purrs and Prayers for Tylan

Purrs and prayers graphic made by Ann of Zoolatry. (Thank you, Ann!)

For the past week or so, Tylan hasn't been feeling well. He was already scheduled for acupuncture and his semi-annual blood work on Tuesday, so I discussed Tylan's eating less and feeling crummy with his vet while we were there, and we agreed it would be a good idea to add an fPLI test (the test for pancreatitis) to his blood work. 

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is a time where we reflect upon and give thanks for all that we are grateful for. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we each wanted to share some things we are thankful for. 

Thanksgiving Quote

Monday, October 7, 2024

Happy 6th Gotcha Day, Tylan!

Me and Tylan
Me and Tylan the day I met him in his foster home.

Today is Tylan's 6th Gotcha Day! Since we have absolutely no idea when Tylan's birthday is, today is also the day we celebrate his birthday. He might be 9 years old. We really can't pinpoint an accurate age with him as his teeth were in such bad shape when they rescued him. 

In any case, Giovanni and I are THRILLED that Tylan chose me as his human and Carmine as his new brother back in 2018!